Bacon by definition is "cured meat from the back or sides of a pig". Cooked, it looks like this:

Bacon, in my opinion, is the perfect food. It can be a main course, a side item, a topping, a condiment, a flavoring for soups & stews, or even dessert! And now, thanks to J&D Foods, bacon has come to be a seasoning salt, a flavoring for popcorn, mayo, and more, as well as a flavored LUBE!
You can find bacon style band-aids, bacon infused vodka, Wendy's glorified it with their mighty Baconator sandwich, and the artery crushing Bacon Explosion! (click here for instructions on that monster)
Yes it's bad for you, yes we (and I) eat way too much of it, and yes it's mostly fat. But who cares... IT'S BACON!
So there you go, no real direction or purpose, but I have successfully blogged about bacon. Now I'm craving some bacon myself...
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