Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Concert Etiquette

I go to a lot of live shows. Why? Because I love live music. Sadly, there are way too many people going to shows now for reasons that grate my nerves and I'm fed up with it. Not long ago, a concert was a group experience. You were not only IN the crowd, you were A PART of the crowd. Now, it's more about ME ME than US US.

First off, the "look at me's". I realize there is a big crowd of people and you are attention starved, but could you stop being an obnoxious jackass long enough for those of us who want to see the band can enjoy the show? We got stuck next to a whole group of these jerks at the Foo Fighters show in DC. They discovered the bleachers were loose and they could shake our whole row by jumping up and down. Even after several comments from others, they continued to make everyone around them feel seasick and blur any attempted pictures.

Next, the "I deserve a front row spots". These people don't seem to understand how a General Admission crowd works. If you want a spot by the stage, get there early and stay put during the show. Don't show up an hour late and think the crowd is going to part like the Red Sea so you can take your place by the stage. Why do you deserve a better spot than anyone else who got there on time? And if you leave your spot to get beer, food, etc. you lose that spot! There are no assigned seats in a standing room only venue so stop thinking you can just plow through the crowd and your little patch of floor will still be vacant with your name on it.

I realize a concert is an exciting experience, especially if it's a band you are truly passionate about. But next time you're rocking out, try to consider the people around you are there to have fun too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank god someone finally said this! There are very few things that would ruin the fun of a live show for me, but poor concert etiquette by those around me is absolutely at the top of the list!
