Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Diamond in the Rough

On many occasions I've thought about spending time going to second hand stores and places like that where you can buy used and random stuff but never seem to have the motivation but this story I read today makes me think it might be time to give it a shot.

Beth Feedback is an artist from Greensboro who went to Goodwill to grab a sweater and picked up 2 large paintings for $10 each. She didn't like the paintings but was going to reuse the canvas for her own works. A few months later, she noticed an art gallery tag on one of the paintings and decided to look up the original artist before she turned the paintings into scrap. The artist turned out to be Ilya Bolotowsky and the painting is worth over $15,000! Here's Beth, her hubby, and the painting:

How freakin awesome is that? $10 for a $15,000 painting! It's not a common occurrence so don't start searching planning on making it rich but every once in a while instead of shopping at the mall or some big chain store, hit the thrift shops or swing by a local yard or garage sale and give it a good once over. You may not find something worth a ton of money, but you may find some of the coolest collectibles or random treasures you've ever seen.

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