This year marked the 3rd year in a row that Carolina Rebellion was not only the biggest show around... but also got BIGGER! It started as a one day show, then they added a Friday Night Pre-Show, and this year they expanded it out to a full weekend!
Due to work I wasn't able to make it Friday night but I hear Eye Empire and Beware of Darkness kicked some major ass.
Saturday started off chilly and breezy as hell but that didn't stop the bands from bringing the ROCK! Young Guns kicked off the day with a dose of Brit rock that was like a sonic cup of coffee to start the day. I didn't get the chance to see many of the bands but I could hear plenty from where we were and Sick Puppies did a badass Foo Fighters cover, In This Moment blew minds with their stage setup and sonic assault, Aranda showed us how they made a name for themselves with a killer set, Matt showed the world he was the perfect replacement at the front of Three Days Grace, and even Limp Bizkit hit the stage and sounded PERFECT! Honestly, there wasn't a bad show the whole day.
Sunday we were expecting some rain but I don't think anybody knew exactly what we were going to get hit with. It rained a ton, it was cold as hell, and the wind blew it's ass off. Several bands had to cancel their sets due to weather and the show was called off later in the day but bands like All That Remains, Sevendust, Pop Evil, and Hollywood Undead trudged thru and brought the rock to the fans. Steel Panther even gave us some face shredding comedic relief. Even with the cancellations the day still rocked.
All in all it was a freaking blast yet again. Had a great time meeting rockers, chatting with old friends, and rocking the eff out!