This morning I saw a story that made me angry, confused, and sad all at once... Kim Kardashian wants a star on the Walk of Fame. Really? Don't get me wrong, I love to look at Kim and her ass... actually, let's do that for a minute...
Alright, now where was I? Oh yea, so this chick thinks she deserves a star among the likes of Clint Eastwood, Alfred Hitchcock, John Williams, and other legends of the entertainment world? The only thing bigger than her ass is her EGO!
She justifies this idea saying "reality TV is still a new form of entertainment" and people don't understand it. So let me get this straight, being rich and spoiled and having cameras follow you around makes you an entertainer? I thought it made you a rich spoiled brat that had cameras following her around.
She went on to compare reality TV to rap music because people didn't understand rap at first either. So now she's saying she's as talented as Jay-Z or Dr. Dre or her new bedroom buddy Kanye? Negative madam.
The big difference here is that people who are on the Walk of Fame did something special and were recognized for it, Kim Kardashian just lives her pampered life with cameras in tow. If anyone deserves a star on the Walk of Fame, it's the people behind the scenes at reality TV shows for making these bottom feeders look like real people.